Overview services.Systemhouse Mobach bv is active in the Information and Communication Technology (ICT). The company offers her customers a broad collection of products and services for mainframe computers, UNIX and GNU/Linux computers, networks, Internet access, security, software development and consultancy.
These topics are described here briefly without further specification of the relationships between these topics. These relations exist of course but the description would result in more text than most want to read. In case you think that you can use our knowledge and experience you can contact us. The link to the contact page is in the left column. Security.In many -but not in all- projects security is an afterthought, be these projects small or large. That's a pity as the time and resources needed to reach the correct security level increases while the project development is progressing. Security consists of many topics like a "simple" backup, access control and disaster recovery (what did you do after the fire strucked ?). If you feel the need for experienced consultants just ask. Then we can explain what we have done after that fire. UNIX and GNU/Linux.UNIX and GNU/Linux are reliable operating systems, which can be used for many different tasks. While scalability and stability of these operating systems already have reached the mainframe level they are much more better than operating systems used for file and print services. Only Marketing and PR departments might have different opinions. Since 1984 we have experienced many different UNIX versions like Solaris, Reliant UNIX, System V and AIX. Since 1996 FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD and GNU/Linux are too good to be neglected. Installation and administration of these operating systems is like their mainframe counterparts a serious task which needs some time. But when done correctly maintenance isn't the problem but the solution. Our strategy is to focus on stability, scalability, reliability and security. This strategy is highly appreciated by our customers as it results in nearly always working computer systems and lower administration costs. Networks and Internet.The Internet growth is exploding since 1995 while many organizations and home users are connecting their computer systems to the Internet. Many times without studying which security measures would be appropriate. And without a security check afterwards. Sometimes even without the definition of a security policy, which should be done at the start of the process. This lack of attention for security results sometimes in newspaper articles and such. Which is not the best possible PR. These negative consequences are avoidable. Just ask before the start of the connection project advice. And let the consultants check afterwards if the requested security level has been reached. Such an approach means of course that resources are needed. True, but it also offers a reliable insight about the way your professional infrastructure works. Software development.Our structured software development approach results always in well maintainable application systems. That is not only important because 80 percent of the total costs of an application system are spent on maintenance. It's also important because it results in correctly working application systems.
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